Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy endings

April 18th 2009, really?  Time flies so fast at times.  We have so many memories to reflect on at this point.  They are not all "good", but they are all learning experiences nonetheless.  We have to use our past experiences to fuel us forward in our physical, mental & spiritual growth. If we harp on the past we will be hindered to live in just that, the past.  But if we use the past to help us mold a greater future we will be on the path of victory.  A friend once asked me about "happy endings".  She was not feeling like she was getting a "happy ending" in life.  My first response was, how do you know?  You're still here!

When we think of "happy endings" I think we reflect back on the media's idea.  Meaning:  Your favorite sitcom or favorite movie.  The movie or sitcom ends with a "happy ending",  but both characters are only 35 (average) years old and still have so much life left to live that you are just not seeing on T.V because the show has ended. In real life, the show goes on...  So you interpret a "happy ending" happening before the real END has even happened!  We must not judge our "happy endings" by these standards.  When you are 96yrs old sitting with your husband or wife and you have little great grandchildren running around and listening attentively to your trials and tribulations in life, in marriage, and/or in spiritual will then be living your happy ending.  But as long as your eyes are still open or still opening and you have not yet had a funeral service in your honor, you can not judge your "happy ending" status! or give up on it! 

Many women or men have a marriage and have children and thought that that moment was their happy ending.  But they are not finished yet either.  Understanding that may help with "mid-life crisis" for married people as well.  They start to think "Is this it?" "My life is over" Yet, they still have an ACTUAL  happy ending waiting for them.  God only knows when that date will be. So in divorce or marriage, don't be afraid that you haven't reached it yet, because God has a plan for you!  Or in the event you may be widowed, don't think that moment killed your happy ending as well, because you are breathing for a reason.  God is not finished with you yet.  Keep your head up even in the most trying times, because there is a happy ending waiting for all of us.  But you won't know until it ENDS. Push through and see it all the way to the end! You are worth it and you do deserve your "happy ending".