Sunday, May 16, 2010

Say YES Entertainment Stops Filming To Pay Respect To Michael Jackson

Say YES Entertainment Stops Filming to Pay Respect to the Late Great Michael Jackson

While filming scenes for the company's first highly anticipated "short music film" at Forrest Lawn Cemetery this weekend, Say YES Entertainment took a moment to pay respect to the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson.

"This location was chosen specifically because it is where Michael is resting," Emani Sullivan, owner of Say YES Entertainment Productions states. "This short music film, itself has been influenced by his music and it was only necessary to incorporate something of him in it. It is not about Michael, but I can say that it is created around a song the Pop star has recorded. I don't want to give too much away so I won't say anymore. You'll have to stay tuned for the rest!"

And Staying tuned is exactly what we intend to do!

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