Friday, July 15, 2011

VIDEO WORLD PREMIERE: Entrapment of The Folly - By CandyAcidReign


YES!YES!YES! Say YES On Demand is proud to share the highly anticipated World Premiere Time Lapse Video Painting "Entrapment of The Folly" by artist CandyAcidReign featuring poetry by Epiphany Castro!

CandyAcidReign, also known as Ladessa Sullivan is one of the...if not THE, first African American Artist to produce time lapse videos for her artistry! She is very well known and celebrated in the poetic community for her impeccable writing and highly respected as a visual artist. Fans of CandyAcidReign have been waiting on the edge of their seats for the release of her recent painting titled: Entrapment of the Folly and finally the wait is over!

Leave your thoughts below! But before you press play and experience this intense representation of vulnerability you MUST turn your speakers up and watch in full screen!
You will NOT be disappointed!

1 comment:

A Poet Lady Silk said...

This was a beautiful experience Ladessa and with such ease while listening to Epiphany Castro words of harmony, made each struck look so effortless.