Thursday, November 19, 2009



The father of the 1993 accuser in the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations was found dead in his New Jersey apartment on Nov. 5th. He allegedly committed suicide with one single gun shoot to the head and still holding the gun in his hand down by his side. After not showing up for a doctors appointment that day the building concierge went to his apartment there only to find him dead. He was unrecognizable due to the gun shot wound and countless plastic surgery.

Evan and his son, Jordan Chandler, have not been in contact with each other since Jordan accused his father of physical child abuse.

After the death of Michael Jackson, Jordan has allegedly admitted to falsely accusing the King of Pop of child molestation in 1993. He was quoted saying, "my father made me do it...I'm sorry Michael."

Neighbors of Evan Chandler claim that since Michael Jackson's death he had been receiving more attention from the media and the public which caused him to go into reclusion. He would spend many nights in his apartment without leaving it. He died at the age of 65.

Coincidence or Conscious? You decide.

More facts:

Janet Arvizo, the mother of the second accuser was found guilty in 2005 for Welfare Fraud.

Richard Gardner --the psychiatrist used by the Chandlers to help build the prosecution against Michael Jackson committed suicide in 2003.

Martin Bashir, the journalist who first introduced the possibility of a second trail against Michael has also been recently reported to have a brain tumor.

Again, Coincidence or Conscious? You decide.