Friday, July 31, 2009

Michael Jackson: A Fourth Child!?

Okay, there's Michael Jackson, Prince Michael, Paris Michael and Blanket...but wait? Who's on the end???

The boy pictured above is lined up with the other Jackson children because of the new speculation that he may or may not be Michael's eldest son. His name is Omer Bhatti and he is currently 25years old. Reports are saying that Omer was born in 1984 by Pia Bhatti, a woman Michael may have slept with while on tour. She was a Norwegian fan of Michael Jackson's. Since then Michael has been known to be in contact with Omer and have even had Omer and his mother Pia living with him the 1990's. Omer is a dancer and singer in his home country, but he has been in California since Michael's recent death.

According to sources, Omer has been at the Jackson's family home playing with the other three children and plans to stay in the U.S. He attended the Memorial Service on July 7th and sat next to Rebbie Jackson by her request. (Pictured Below)

Omer Bhatti is willing and undergoing a blood test to prove that Michael Jackson is his father. But this is not even necessary for Joe Jackson. Joe Jackson has reportedly said that Omer is a Jackson. He says that he has known about him since the beginning.

There already has been speculation about rather or not any of the children are biologically Michael Jackson's, but the only one of the four who is being tested is Omer. There is nothing left to do but wait for the results.

There is no doubt that Michael had this boy involved in his life, but is he his child? What do you think? Do you think that he could be Michael's son? Is this just a publicity stunt seeing how the boy is an upcoming rapper and dancer in Norway?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

EMINEM Disses Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon: The Warning

EMINEM Disses Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon: 
"The Warning"

Eminem releases a new "diss track" called "The Warning" directed at Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. Apparently Mariah and Eminem had a very private and intimate relationship some years back that Mariah denies.  Mariah Carey has reported that her and Eminem were only friends.  After the recent single by Mariah Carey was released, including a music video for the track, Eminem interpreted it as a direct message from her to him.  The gentlemen featured in the video who has a gold-tee, according to Eminem, was supposed to be him.  

The Nick Cannon, Mariah Carey & Eminem fued has been going on for some time now.  When will it end?  Eminem seems to believe that it is important for Nick to know about his past relationship with Mariah.  There are no details that this supposed "relationship" took place during the time she was dating Nick, so I am not sure why this information is so important to convey to Nick.  Is Eminem Obsessed with Mariah?  Is there something he is trying to get out of all of this?  Mariah and Nick have been married for over a year now and maybe it's starting to get to Eminem that she may actually be happy.  How can we pour rain on her happiness?  I know, release a track (featured below) titled "The Warning"!  That should do it!

Has Eminem gone too far? Did Mariah deserve this? Did Nick ignite this fuse? What are your thoughts?

Debbie Rowe Settles Custody Case

Debbie Row Settles Custody Case

After a month of specualtion, Debbie Rowe has finally reached her decision. According to TMZ Debbie Rowe has come to a settlement with the custody battle for her and Michael Jackon's two children, Prince Michaael and Paris. She has agreed to let Katherine Jackson have custody over the two children but she will not give up her parental rights. She will be granted visitation rights to see the two children, but the specifics of how often or how long the visits will be has not yet been specified. She has however requested the children see a psycologist. She would like the psycologist to help the children cope with their father's exit in their lives and her entrance. They have one step to go and that is to wait for the court to adhere to this agreement.

With all of this being said and finally coming to a reasonable end, it still doesn't given closure to the youngest of the three children, Blanket. We are still unaware of who or where Blankets mother is located. Katherine has all legal rights over Blanket due to no contest of his biological mother. If Debbie Rowe had fought for custody of the other two this would have split the three children apart. I am glad she has come to this decision.

Do you think Debbie is making a mistake? Or is this the best situation for the children? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Michael Jackson: The Man Behind The Mirror




It was just one month ago on June 25th of 2009 that Michael Jackson's death would spawn more than three quarters of the world to go into a state of mourning.  I would be one of them.  Even today with one thought of Michael Jackson passing away I find myself on the verge of tears.  This man was the most amazing man I had ever had the chance to get to know through his music, his dancing, his charity work, his words of wisdom, his out of this world ability to love & humility.  Michael Jackson defined in his early career and re-defined in his later career the meaning of Mega Star, Legendary & Humanitarianism on a scale unimaginably possible to the critics.

He would often be criticized for his plastic surgery, his uncontrollable pigmentation lose, & falsely accusing child molestation cases in the later half of his career.  The want and need to belittle or demean the greatest entertainer of all time was and still is a hungry beast in the media.  Anything positive that can be manipulated into negative about Michael Jackson would and will be on the front cover of every newspaper or magazine.  I do not participate in such negativity that is geared to tear down this amazing human being who has been a blessing to our lives in more ways than one. I intend to celebrate his life, educate the "nay sayers", keep his legacy on this earth alive & thank him for all that he has done in a 50 year life span; 45 of which would be in the spotlight.

With that being said,
Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to introduce to you:
 The Man behind the Mirror.
Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson

Born as a child prodigy, Michael Jackson would be known to audiences around the country as the lead singer in his family band, The Jackson Five, by the age of 7 years old.  His soulful voice, dance moves and passion on stage singing songs about love & love lost was hard to go unnoticed even by some of the most racist viewers. Michael would break this color line through his music.  This would mark the beginning of his legacy.

I don't believe I have to map out his entire successful career for you, the reader, because it is a world wide fact this man was the greatest entertainer of all time!  He went from being cute Little Michael, the lead singer of the Jackson 5, to becoming the Icon and Legend of our time!  He would later drop albums "Off The Wall", Thriller", "Bad", "Blood on The Dance Floor", "HIStory", "Dangerous", "Invincible" & a Host of Singles for Movie Soundtracks and for the bridge between races; i.e. We Are The World.

(photos highlighting those events of concerts and albums are below)

I am also not going to tell you the scandalous rumors and lies that the media has been writing about Michael as well because you are all familiar with that crap they throw in your face.  But on June 25th of 2009 the world was not just crying for this amazing performer, but for the messages his body and music conveyed to an audience.  Most importantly for the many lives he had saved on this earth.  Michael Jackson has hosted the MOST charities and foundations any artist or any one has ever done!  They won't tell you about that in the news, but you will learn about that here!  Below is a list of charities and/or organizations that were founded and funded by Michael Jackson, but not limited to:

  • AIDS Project L.A.
  • American Cancer Society
  • Angel Food
  • Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles
  • BMI Foundation, Inc.
  • Brotherhood Crusade
  • Brothman Burn Center
  • Camp Ronald McDonald
  • Childhelp U.S.A.
  • Children's Institute International
  • Cities and Schools Scholarship Fund
  • Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation
  • Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
  • Dakar Foundation
  • Dreamstreet Kids
  • Dreams Come True Charity
  • Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation
  • Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
  • Love Match
  • Make-A-Wish Foundation
  • Minority Aids Project
  • Motown Museum
  • National Rainbow Coalition
  • Rotary Club of Australia
  • Society of Singers
  • Starlight Foundation
  • The Carter Center's Atlanta Project
  • The Sickle Cell Research Foundation
  • Transafrica
  • United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
  • United Negro College Fund Ladder's of Hope
  • Volunteers of America
  • Watts Summer Festival
  • Wish Granting
  • YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw

         So you see, This wall below:

Was painted for a Hero, A Bar raiser, A Humanitarian, A Man, A Leader, A Pioneer, An Innovator, A Showman, A Life Saver...A First of his kind in every way.....And I will MISS you Michael.  I carry you in my heart until my last breath. 

*If there is more about Michael you would like to know....just read the autobiography he wrote in 1988...he can tell you better than anyone else!

Moon Walk By Michael Jackson:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lauryn Hill VS. L. Boogie


"Sometimes people gotta find themselves, man," Pras says.  "I don't believe that's crazy.  People go through certain things, they gotta fight certain demons, and she's entitled to do that.  Because her life isn't to please people.  At the end of the day, Lauryn is not happy with herself."

[From Issue 934 Rollingstone Magazine - October 30, 2003]


Everyone is asking "Where is Lauryn Hill?" & "Is she crazy now?"

Sometimes our expectations are unmatchable to the reality of balancing a career, raising 5 children & searching for self revelation.   Why is it that once a person makes a decision to share their insight and talent with the world, we expect that to be the only facet of their existence? Are celebrities not allowed to choose to step out of the limelight? And if or when they do return to the limelight, are they supposed to just pretend that their views, their opinions, their style, their outlook on life or their music in itself have not changed?  Your life experience, more than 80% off the time, is a reflection of your music, artistry, opinion and personality. Once you step out of the spotlight and gain more experiences in real life, your "celebrity persona" is bound to make a change.  Once the celebrity has made those changes, you, as the fan/listener, have a choice to make on if those changes still coincide with the changes you have undergone also.  But to slander and criticize the artist for becoming the woman/man they were intended to be, beyond the music they produce, is unfair and despicable.  

There is L. Boogie; the musical genius and there is Lauryn Hill; the woman who is struggling to find herself while raising 5 children and undergoing criticism for not being the old celebrity persona. 

Actors/Actress' portray man different characters that emulate life, but when the lights go down and the camera is off, they return to their own realities.  Musicians are not as privy to this reality.  I believe, that we have become accustom to the idea of "acting" belonging only to the actors/actress' of entertainment, but musicians are expected to live in their stage character.  But what we must learn to understand is that most, if not every, musician have developed a character of some sort to bring the music to life for your enjoyment.  The character they play on stage; i.e. Sasha Fierce vs. Beyonce, is not the person they are when they are not on display.  Beyonce has brought this "characterizing" to the mainstream, but it still lacks understanding that this goes Beyond "Sasha Fierce".  Lauryn Hill gave us such an amazing career that we want more. I get it!  But the pressure and constant ridicule for her to return to the stage as she once was, when she herself is no longer as she once was, is unnecessary.  The footprints of her soulful voice and intellectual wordplay are still available to you everyday.  The music is here to serve it's purpose and that is to live on forever.  Lauren Hill's personal life has nothing to do with that.  Let's celebrate what her career has given us by uploading her classics on itunes, buying old albums and rediscovering new ways of listening to them!  Let's also support the artist who supported us by allowing her to raise her children, re-discover herself, heal from relationship wounds and just be Lauryn Hill.  When Lauryn Hill is ready, L. Boogie will return to the stage.

Thursday, July 23, 2009



With talent, beauty, intellect & humility it is impossible to not include this mega star as an Icon in the history of entertainment! It had been 74 years of Academy Award winners before Halle Berry became the first African American Actress to win the infamous Oscar Award for Best Actress for her role in the film Monster's Ball.  She has become known for this historical landmark in entertainment history, her struggles in relationships/marriages, an over medicated car accident, her Revlon endorsements, a host of entertaining movies and her undeniable beauty.  But one of her most important and selfless acts happens to be one that many may or may not know.  Halle Berry is the first and only celebrity to be an ambassador for "Diabetes Aware".

It would be years after the star began to rise in the entertainment industry that we would learn of the actress' struggle with this very common disease.  Diabetes is one of the leading diseases in our country yet many of us don't even know we have it.  Halle Berry's involvement in "Diabetes Aware" is to help motivate and bring awareness to this growing problem in our country.  According to statistics, over 20 million Americans have diabetes but half of them are unaware of it.  Diabetes is a treatable disease but without knowledge of having the disease it can be fatal.

Get tested. Know your status. Save your life.

Having diabetes will NOT stop you from living if you ARE aware of your status,


But NOT being aware of your status, CAN stop you from living.

For more information on how to get tested or to determine your status please visit: 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson Vigil June 25th 2009

When the text came in on my way home from work at 230pm on June 25th of 2009 that Michael Jackson had died, my sister and I jumped into our car and headed to the one place we HAD to be! And that was UCLA Medical In Westwood, CA; the hospital Michael took his last breath in. Our hearts are wrenched with sadness, celebration, overwhelming joy to have lived during his lifetime, and confusion for it seemed like he was "gone to soon". Michael has touched my heart since the day I was born and until the day he died and will continue until the day I die. My sister, Candyacidreign, Miss Ladessa Sullivan and I, Emani Sullivan understand the MAN he was not only the music he left behind. The music he left behind (the lyrics, the movement of his body with passion in what he was saying) were all created and written to express to all of US the MAN he truly was. Humanitarian, Humble, Kind, Caring, Giving, Spiritual, Bigger than Life Perception Of Humanity, Graceful, Strong, Loving, Perfectionist, A Genius, A Companion, A Friend, An Inspiration, A Hero, A Star, A Legend.

We love you Michael Jackson and we will ALWAYS "be there".
As we were the night you passed.

God Bless You

Rest In Peace