Thursday, July 30, 2009

Debbie Rowe Settles Custody Case

Debbie Row Settles Custody Case

After a month of specualtion, Debbie Rowe has finally reached her decision. According to TMZ Debbie Rowe has come to a settlement with the custody battle for her and Michael Jackon's two children, Prince Michaael and Paris. She has agreed to let Katherine Jackson have custody over the two children but she will not give up her parental rights. She will be granted visitation rights to see the two children, but the specifics of how often or how long the visits will be has not yet been specified. She has however requested the children see a psycologist. She would like the psycologist to help the children cope with their father's exit in their lives and her entrance. They have one step to go and that is to wait for the court to adhere to this agreement.

With all of this being said and finally coming to a reasonable end, it still doesn't given closure to the youngest of the three children, Blanket. We are still unaware of who or where Blankets mother is located. Katherine has all legal rights over Blanket due to no contest of his biological mother. If Debbie Rowe had fought for custody of the other two this would have split the three children apart. I am glad she has come to this decision.

Do you think Debbie is making a mistake? Or is this the best situation for the children? What are your thoughts?

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