Friday, July 24, 2009

Lauryn Hill VS. L. Boogie


"Sometimes people gotta find themselves, man," Pras says.  "I don't believe that's crazy.  People go through certain things, they gotta fight certain demons, and she's entitled to do that.  Because her life isn't to please people.  At the end of the day, Lauryn is not happy with herself."

[From Issue 934 Rollingstone Magazine - October 30, 2003]


Everyone is asking "Where is Lauryn Hill?" & "Is she crazy now?"

Sometimes our expectations are unmatchable to the reality of balancing a career, raising 5 children & searching for self revelation.   Why is it that once a person makes a decision to share their insight and talent with the world, we expect that to be the only facet of their existence? Are celebrities not allowed to choose to step out of the limelight? And if or when they do return to the limelight, are they supposed to just pretend that their views, their opinions, their style, their outlook on life or their music in itself have not changed?  Your life experience, more than 80% off the time, is a reflection of your music, artistry, opinion and personality. Once you step out of the spotlight and gain more experiences in real life, your "celebrity persona" is bound to make a change.  Once the celebrity has made those changes, you, as the fan/listener, have a choice to make on if those changes still coincide with the changes you have undergone also.  But to slander and criticize the artist for becoming the woman/man they were intended to be, beyond the music they produce, is unfair and despicable.  

There is L. Boogie; the musical genius and there is Lauryn Hill; the woman who is struggling to find herself while raising 5 children and undergoing criticism for not being the old celebrity persona. 

Actors/Actress' portray man different characters that emulate life, but when the lights go down and the camera is off, they return to their own realities.  Musicians are not as privy to this reality.  I believe, that we have become accustom to the idea of "acting" belonging only to the actors/actress' of entertainment, but musicians are expected to live in their stage character.  But what we must learn to understand is that most, if not every, musician have developed a character of some sort to bring the music to life for your enjoyment.  The character they play on stage; i.e. Sasha Fierce vs. Beyonce, is not the person they are when they are not on display.  Beyonce has brought this "characterizing" to the mainstream, but it still lacks understanding that this goes Beyond "Sasha Fierce".  Lauryn Hill gave us such an amazing career that we want more. I get it!  But the pressure and constant ridicule for her to return to the stage as she once was, when she herself is no longer as she once was, is unnecessary.  The footprints of her soulful voice and intellectual wordplay are still available to you everyday.  The music is here to serve it's purpose and that is to live on forever.  Lauren Hill's personal life has nothing to do with that.  Let's celebrate what her career has given us by uploading her classics on itunes, buying old albums and rediscovering new ways of listening to them!  Let's also support the artist who supported us by allowing her to raise her children, re-discover herself, heal from relationship wounds and just be Lauryn Hill.  When Lauryn Hill is ready, L. Boogie will return to the stage.

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