Thursday, July 23, 2009



With talent, beauty, intellect & humility it is impossible to not include this mega star as an Icon in the history of entertainment! It had been 74 years of Academy Award winners before Halle Berry became the first African American Actress to win the infamous Oscar Award for Best Actress for her role in the film Monster's Ball.  She has become known for this historical landmark in entertainment history, her struggles in relationships/marriages, an over medicated car accident, her Revlon endorsements, a host of entertaining movies and her undeniable beauty.  But one of her most important and selfless acts happens to be one that many may or may not know.  Halle Berry is the first and only celebrity to be an ambassador for "Diabetes Aware".

It would be years after the star began to rise in the entertainment industry that we would learn of the actress' struggle with this very common disease.  Diabetes is one of the leading diseases in our country yet many of us don't even know we have it.  Halle Berry's involvement in "Diabetes Aware" is to help motivate and bring awareness to this growing problem in our country.  According to statistics, over 20 million Americans have diabetes but half of them are unaware of it.  Diabetes is a treatable disease but without knowledge of having the disease it can be fatal.

Get tested. Know your status. Save your life.

Having diabetes will NOT stop you from living if you ARE aware of your status,


But NOT being aware of your status, CAN stop you from living.

For more information on how to get tested or to determine your status please visit: 

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