Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson Vigil June 25th 2009

When the text came in on my way home from work at 230pm on June 25th of 2009 that Michael Jackson had died, my sister and I jumped into our car and headed to the one place we HAD to be! And that was UCLA Medical In Westwood, CA; the hospital Michael took his last breath in. Our hearts are wrenched with sadness, celebration, overwhelming joy to have lived during his lifetime, and confusion for it seemed like he was "gone to soon". Michael has touched my heart since the day I was born and until the day he died and will continue until the day I die. My sister, Candyacidreign, Miss Ladessa Sullivan and I, Emani Sullivan understand the MAN he was not only the music he left behind. The music he left behind (the lyrics, the movement of his body with passion in what he was saying) were all created and written to express to all of US the MAN he truly was. Humanitarian, Humble, Kind, Caring, Giving, Spiritual, Bigger than Life Perception Of Humanity, Graceful, Strong, Loving, Perfectionist, A Genius, A Companion, A Friend, An Inspiration, A Hero, A Star, A Legend.

We love you Michael Jackson and we will ALWAYS "be there".
As we were the night you passed.

God Bless You

Rest In Peace

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