Friday, August 28, 2009


Breaking News: 
DJ AM Found dead in his Apartment in New York This Afternoon

Oh Goodness 2009, Y.E.S. On Demand is sad to inform you that DJ AM was found dead at his apartment in New York.

TMZ reports that a friend of DJ AM's went to his home because he had not heard from him in several days.  Once he arrived he did not get a response at the door.  He then called the police to the apartment.  The police broke down the door and found him dead.

DJ AM and Travis Barker survived a plane crash last year in September of 2008.  There are no details on how he died yet.  But we will continue to keep you informed as the story continues to develop.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy Dies today, Wednesday Aug. 26th at his home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts from after a long battle with brain cancer.  He was the youngest brother of the former and late President John F. Kennedy.  Kennedy, also known as the "Lion of the Senate," had a strong hand  in passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act.  Sen. Ted Kennedy was said to be a strong supporter of the current Healthcare Reform that is on the table for the American People.

The family released this statement: "We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice."

Y.E.S On Demand sends their condolences to the Kennedy family during this time.  This news brings sadness around the globe, but the appreciation from our hearts to his family for all that they have done for this country is more enormous than any other emotion.  To the Kennedy Family: WE THANK YOU!!!!!! We are aware that this year has been hard on the Kennedy Family and our prayers are with them.



Chris Brown was sentenced to 5yrs probation and 180 days of community service, one-year of a domestic violence program and to stay at least 100 yards away from Rihanna, unless they are both attending an entertainment industry function, when the restriction would be lowered to 10 yards.  If he violates any term of his probation he could serve time behind bars. 


Do you think the sentence was fair or not?
Do you think his music career will suffer from this or blossom?

You Decide! Comment Below!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ryan Jenkins Committed Suicide


The man who has been a suspect in the murder of Jasmine Fiore was found hung in his motel room this morning. WOW!!!!!  It seems that, Ryan Jenkins, from the VH1 show "Megan wants a millionaire", had tried to commit suicide 6 weeks prior to the murder of Jasmine.

Does his suicide convict him f murdering Jasmine?  Or was he simply in distress? You decide! Comment below...

Breaking News: Michael Jackson's Death A Homicide

YES! YES! YES! Joe Jackson isn't as "crazy" as the media makes him out to be. Y.E.S. On Demand would just like to point out how On Larry King Live a few weeks ago, Joe Jackson made a statement that would send CNN into a frenzy for days! He simply stated that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide. Don't get your underwear in a bunch Larry!

But it looks like Joe Jackson and the LA County Coroner's are in agreement!

According to reports by the LA Coroner's office Michael Jackson's death has been ruled as a homicide due to lethal levels of the anaesthetic Propofol found in his body. Reports show that Michael was given a combination of fatal drugs just hours before he died on June 25th of 2009.

The LA Times Reports that Dr. Conrad Murray, according to the search warrent, said that he had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of Propofol every night using a intravenous line.

Murray says he feared that Michael was forming an addiction to the drug, so he tried to wean him off by lowering the dosage and mixing it with two other sedatives.

On June 25th, Murray tried to help Michael sleep without using Propofol. Dr. Murray says he gave Michael Jackson the following drugs over a period of nearly 12 hours:

:: 1.30am - He gave Jackson valium.
:: 2.00am - When the valium failed to work, he injected lorazepam intravenously.
:: 3.00am, When Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.
:: 3.00am until 10.40am - Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs.
:: 10.40am - Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug.


(more information on this story as it unfolds)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sex In The City Sequel: Who's NOT Returning


Y.E.S. On Demand is happy to report that all four leading ladies will be returning to the Sequel of the movie that grossed over 400 million dollars the first time around!

That's right folks! Sex In The City Sequel will begin production soon!

So the question is: Who's NOT returning?!  Well, reports have said that Gilles Marini is not going to be returning to Sex In The City.  Wondering who he is? 

YES! YES! YES! That's him above! The sexy next door neighbor to Samantha while she was living in Los Angeles with her boyfriend, who she breaks up with at the end of the movie.  Y.E.S. On Demand isn't surprised by this hunky chunky man not returning.  I mean, he only lived next door and his purpose was to not only give Samantha pleasure when she wasn't getting any, but to bring us great eye candy, mind-blowing scenes of male nakedness!  

Although we are grateful for his appearance to begin with, no tears will be shed, I mean, we have it on DVD!  What the public wants is Carrie, Samantha, Miranda & Charlotte!  And all four ladies are a GO! So the show goes on and we can't wait!

Michael Jackson Burial PostPoned


The Jackson Family has postponed Michael Jackson's burial from the singer's birthday to Sept. 3rd.  The family reports that there was more family members who didn't support the idea of the singer being buried on his birthday.  They decided to wait until the following Thursday to finally lay the King Of Entertainment's body to rest at Forrest Lawn in Los Angeles, CA. 

Speculation also surrounds the singers burial due to toxicology reports still being processed for the singer.  Reports have said that Michael's brain is still at the lab being tested and examined.  We wonder what is taking so long with his burial?

Well, it appears the family is awaiting the return of his brain to his body before putting him in his grave.  They want to bury him as a whole.  Who can argue with that?

Certainly not us...

In the meantime, there are many other things to do on Aug. 29th to celebrate the singers birthday!  A concert is being held at the Nokia Theatre by Q-Tip in honor of Michael Jackson.  

Also, there will be a gathering at Tujunga Park in North Hollywood, CA on the corner of Magnolia and Tujunga for the public.  It's a FREE event put together by a devoted and faithful fan of Michael Jackson's.  There will be food (limited supply), music (Michael's), candle lighting and lot's of love!  Y.E.S. On Demand will be attending the event!  And we hope to see you there!

Celebrate the life of Michael Jackson on Aug. 29th!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



VH1's new reality dating show "Megan Wants a Millionaire" will NOT be airing any new episodes!  The show has been postponed due to a criminal investigation involving one of the cast members.  Ryan Jenkins is a person of interest in the murder of model Jasmine Fiore.  (Both featured below)

Jasmine , 28, was last seen with Ryan, 32,  at a poker game in San Diego.  On Saturday, Ryan reported Jasmine missing to the Los Angeles Police Department.  Her naked body was found wednesday in Buena Park stuffed in suitcase which was placed in a trash bin.

Jasmine and Ryan were married in March this year and their marriage was annulled in May.  Ryan and Jasmine reconciled shortly after that.

Ryan, as on the show, is a real estate developer and architect, who is said to have a few millions in the bank.  He may have recently fled to his native Canada.  With the high profile of the case, the Los Angeles Police Department is suspicious of his involvement in Jasmine's murder because Ryan is no where to be found.

A little more than Megan might have bargained for?  YES!

Monday, August 17, 2009


YES!? or NO? NO! NO! Michael Vick shows his remorse...

Michael Vick appeared on 60 minutes, spiraling a huge debate about rather he did or didn't show any true remorse for the ugly actions of dog fighting. Is forgiveness not in the air for Mr. Vick? Or is it?

He is receiving criticism for his appearance on the show because members of the Humane Society do not believe him to be remorseful.  They have focused on his choice of words describing his time in jail and how that effected him emotionally.  He mentioned losing his friends, his career and being alone, but not that he had time to think about how horrible fighting dogs against each other really is.  He mentioned that he was disgusted with his involvement.  That he understands now how wrong it is to do such a thing.  But the critics are not so convinced

With a new contract to play on the Philadelphia Eagles this year and a only a few months in jail, the Human Society is furious that life continues to go on for Mr. Vick after taking so many dog's lives.  The ongoing debate is that some spectators are upset, but for opposite reasons.  The feeling that animal rights seem to be more important to the Humane Society than women rights or children rights.  There are complaints that the Humane Society should forgive him and stop making this bigger than the issues of rape, molestation and/or child abuse.  The men or women who commit those acts are freed from jail so why should this man be in prison for the long haul? 

Y.E.S On Demand is asking you, what do you think?  Do you think the time Michael Vick spent in jail is enough to bring about remorse for his actions?  Do you think his remorse is because of the idea of losing his career?

And finally, Y.E.S. On Demand is AGAINST animal cruelty and human cruelty, but what we want to know is if you think it is time for forgiveness from the Humane Society? 

Are any acts of cruelty able to be forgiven for?

YES! Brad, YES! Angelina!

YES! Brad, YES! Angelina!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie hit the red carpet at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, CA for the premier of "Inglourious Basterds" and they looked amazing!  Brad and Angelina have experienced extreme criticism for their relationship and when and where did it ever begin!  The couple have been spotted out appearing to be very unhappy and broken down from the speculation that they had an affair on the set of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" while Brad was still married to Jennifer.  But on August 10th of 2009, the couple showed nothing but smiles and love for each other!  This recent appearance of the two have been the happiest we have seen them in a long time!

YES! YES! YES! for Brad and Angelina! Another Hollywood couple still thriving! 

The movie "Inglourious Basterds" comes to theaters on August 21st of 2009.


YES!YES!YES! Michael Jackson Will Finally Be Laid To Rest!

With the 2 month anniversary of his death approaching and the Great Entertainers 51st birthday just four days after, the Jackson Family have finally decided to lay Michael Jackson's body to rest. On August 29th, the singers birthday, he will be buried at Forrest Lawn Cemetary in Hollywood, CA; Joe Jackson tells Daily News this morning.
Michael has been in a freezer for almost two month while the family was grieving and dealing with custody battles. Finally, YES! finally the King Of Pop, The Greatest Entertainer to Have Ever Lived, will be buried.
God Bless him and his family during this difficult time and may Michael finally Rest In Peace.

Friday, August 14, 2009

C Murder Sentenced To Life


C-Murder was sentenced to LIFE in prison today for the beating and killing of a 16yr old fan named Steve Thomas in Louisiana back in 2002. I, personally, am not surprised! He will probably be praised by the Rap scene for living up to his name, but not by Y.E.S. On Demand. There are NO excuses for his actions and we would like to send out our condolences and prayers to the family of the victim. 

 Oh, and C-Murder, in case you didn't know, is the brother of Master P....  Exactly! That was the only reason we knew who he was too!

He was first convicted in 2001 for a shooting at a night club which was caught on tape and viewable by the jury and you (below) which helped in the decision to sentence him to 10 years in prison for that incident. Now don't be confused, the video below is a separate issue all together.  This is not footage of the murder which took place in 2002, when C-Murder then took the life of Steve Thomas at a club on January 12th.

According to sources and witnesses, in the 2002 incident,  Steve Thomas gained a fake I.D. to be near his Idol, C-Murder, now known as C-Miller since the trial.   Steve had posters of C-Murder up on his wall at home and just wanted to meet the star.  Sometime near the end of the night, a scuffle broke out and the boy was seen kicked and beat laying on the ground.  One witness said that C-Murder yelled "You know who the F**** I am!" and a bright light went off.  The boy suffered from one gun shot wound and died at arrival of a local hospital. 

Steve Thomas' parents testified against the rapper today in court and C-Murder went from smiling at his family to staring blankly as the Thomas' talked about how they will no longer see their son anymore.  Their inability to see him graduate or go to prom or have children and get married.  It was an emotional day in court for both the families. 

Finally the sentence was handed out and C-Murder has been sentenced to life for second degree murder of the young fan.

After viewing the video below, it is apparent that C-Murder needed a time out of life. Unfortunately for him and his temper...his time out will be FOR life.

Do you agree with the judges decision or do you think the sentence was too harsh?  What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh YES! Janet Jackson Is now on Twitter!!!

Oh YES! Janet Jackson is now on Twitter!!!!

Miss Janet Jackson has broken down and got herself a twitter page!  You can now keep up with Miss Nasty by following her at

I'm sure Y.E.S On Demand isn't the only people who are curious to what Janet's every move is now-a-days!  With the death of her brother being just shy of 2 months ago, the world is turning their attention to the other major star in the Jackson family!  And now we get the inside information from Janet herself! YES! YES! YES!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



YES! YES! YES! According to a spokesperson for Music of Black Origin (MOBO), Miss Janet Jackson is set to pay tribute to her late brother Michael Jackson at the UK award show in September.  This will be the singers first appearance in the UK since her brother's death and the first tribute performance of hers in any country for that matter! YES! YES! YES!

For Y.E.S On Demand, this has been long awaited!  Understandably, we recognize the grieving process that Ms. Jackson has undergone and will continue to undergo but we have still been twiddling our thumbs in impatience for an announcement like this!  To our belief, the BEST tribute Michael Jackson could ever receive will be the ones that the family members are a part of.  No one knows Michael Jackson as they do.

She will fly directly from Los Angeles into Glasgow, Scotland where she is set to perform! Unfortunately for the residents of The United States, we will most likely have to search for this one on youtube :( .  or once video is available you know you will be able to find it right here:
 On Y.E.S On Demand! 

(on going coverage)



YES! YES! YES! Kanye West's girlfriend, Amber Rose gets naked for Complex Magazine!  There are a total of 9 -15 photos inside the magazine of Rose showing you what she is working with! T The magazine is in stores as the August/September Issue. Check your local magazine stands or you subscribe to complex magazine  here:

We all know that she looks absolutely amazing in these photos, that is not up for discussion! But what I would like to know from you is:  
Empowering or Degrading?

The on-going debate amongst men and women!  Do acts like this empower women by enhancing and embracing their sexuality or does it degrade women?  Is it a psychological battle between men and women that we lose by simply "giving them what they want"?  You decide! You debate! Let Y.E.S On Demand hear your thoughts on this!

Jennifer Hudson Gives Birth To Beautiful Baby Boy!

Miss Jennifer Hudson Gave Birth To A Beautiful Baby Boy!

After losing her mother, her brother & her nephew less than a year ago, Miss Jennifer Hudson begins the journey of starting her own intermediate family.  The first member of the family?  Well, his name is David Daniel Otunga, Jr. and he was born yesterday! Jennifer has suffered through much pain but is celebrating life now and we are happy for her!  

This Oscar & Grammy Award Winning young lady has our best wishes for her future!  
Congratulations Miss Hudson! 

Monday, August 10, 2009


Sara Stokes from Making The Band Season 2 
Arrested For Domestic Abuse! 

The above photo, provided by TMZ, is the official mug shot of Sara Stokes from Diddy's Making The Band Season 2.  She was arrested for domestic abuse and assault with a deadly weapon.  

The bruises on her face are reportedly from her falling down the stairs in front of their home after arguing with her husband.  Apparently the fall was not only embarrassing but enough for Stokes to go back into the home, obtain a knife & stab her husband in the arm in front of her three children!  Stokes may be facing a long sentence! No walking for cheesecake for her for a pretty long time.  Wow!  Y.E.S On Demand is in shock!

Her husband, according to police, did not put his hands on her at any time.  Stokes on the other hand claims that her husband did attack her and she was defending herself.

Yes! Yes! Yes!  The good ol' "he say, she say". What are your thoughts?  Should she be given the same sentence as Chris Brown with community service?  Or does her "assault with a deadly weapon" up the ante? 

This Is It: The Michael Jackson Movie

The Michael Jackson Movie

"The Final Curtain Call" by Michael Jackson

YES! YES! YES! Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment will be releasing "This Is It", a Michael Jackson movie on October 30th of 2009.  The movie will include behind the scenes documentary and the complete footage from the "This Is It" tour that Michael Jackson completed on film before his death. 

As excited as we may be, the reality of the situation is that it is a dress rehearsal of the final concert that Michael intended to present to the world in July of 2009.  The essence of any performer comes alive to it's fullest when in front of a hugh audience, so I fear we will be watching Michael Jackson walk through his last performance.  But because he is Michael Jackson, him walking through a rehearsal is beyond more entertaining than some artist today who are giving their all, so I will still attend the opening night!

The movie, agreed upon by Sony and AEG, will not depict Jackson in a negative way but only in the positive light that his fans believed him to be.  There will also be no references to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or anything of the sort.  The deal is still being worked out in court with Katherine Jackson's approval being the final say of when production will begin.

Michael Jackson announced that he would be going on tour at the o2 Arena and that this WILL be it.  This tour would be his final curtain call.  Indeed Michael and is.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kimora & Djimon's Baby Boy!

Kimora & Djimon give birth to a beautiful baby boy, Kenzo Lee Hounsou!  Images below, provided by OK magazine which is on shelves this week!

Kimora Lee, once married to hiphop mogul Russell Simmons, has recently given birth to a baby boy with her new companion, Actor/Model Djimon!  She has two children from her previous marriage and is now the proud mother of three.  Exclusive first look images are in OK magazine this week!

Congratulations Kimora & Djimon from Y.E.S On Demand!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"GOOD HAIR" In Theatres Oct. 2009

Chris Rock Presents "Good Hair" Coming to Theaters Oct. 2009!!!!

Y.E.S On Demand is excited to announce that Chris Rock will be releasing his movie "Good Hair" to theaters in Oct. of 2009!  "Good Hair" has already won an award at the Sundance Film Festival of 2009 and judging by the response of critics thus far, it should be a smash hit at the box office. 

Chris Rock was inspired to do this documentary after coming home one day and his daughter, Lola asked him "Daddy, why don't I have good hair?"  Chris Rock realized that this idea of good hair vs bad hair was a big topic amongst the black community and other minority groups as well.  The movie will be a documentary of Chris Rock traveling and gathering information about this obsession with "good hair".  It features celebrities Raven Simone, Megan Good, Nia Long, Salt & Pepper, Paul Mooney, Lauren London, Al Sharpton and more!

To watch the official HD Trailer for "Good Hair" click on the photo below!


Want to learn more about the movie? Visit:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009



After Chris Brown was charged with assault against singer Rihanna he has released a public apology to her and his fans.  The apology he realized has been questioned in terms of his sincerity.  Chris Brown, obviously reading from a pre-written statement was hoping that his public apology would help him regain the support he once knew. 

Chris Brown, a very talented young man, has faced public scrutiny since beating up his former girlfriend Rihanna in Feb.  He is one of the best Michael Jackson impersonators in the music industry, but was not able to perform at the BET awards dedicated to Michael because of this incident.  We may not all agree on the persecution of Chris Brown for beating on a woman, but we can all agree that he is talented.  

The question is can Chris Brown recover from this moment in his life that has changed the hearts and minds of his fans?  Does he deserve a second chance to be a decent human being?  Being that he is very young, can he learn from this and actually NOT repeat this unacceptable act of violence?

Well, tomorrow, on Larry King, Chris Brown will sit down and discuss just that.  The speculation is that he may offer another apology to Rihanna and his fans, but this time from his heart and not a paper.  Tune into Larry King on CNN Aug. 5th to decide if Chris Brown can finally put all of this behind him.

Is your support given or is it just too late?

I want to hear from you!  Leave your comments below!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Are Celebrities Really Tweeting?

Are celebrities really tweeting?  

There are so many people in the world who are setting up twitter accounts and posing as your favorite celebrities.  Twitter has given us a new advantage of communicating with people who are in the music or film industry but the question is who are you really communicating with?  There are many celebrities who are using twitter but weighing out the real from the fake can be overwhelming!  Twitter is working on an "account verified" system that will help you in finding the right celebrity accounts.  It has verified a few thus far, but this process can take a few a months to complete. 

I decided to put together a hand full of celebrity accounts to make your search a little less stressful.  The accounts listed below have been known to be "verified".  

I hope this makes your search a tad bit easier!  Just click on the picture of the celebrity that you want to follow and you will automatically be transfered to their twitter page! Sign in or create an account at: Keep in mind that the celebrities listed below are NOT the only celebrities on twitter.  This is just a list that Y.E.S. On Demand has composed for you!  You can also follow Y.E.S. On Demand now on Twitter!  At