Monday, August 17, 2009


YES!? or NO? NO! NO! Michael Vick shows his remorse...

Michael Vick appeared on 60 minutes, spiraling a huge debate about rather he did or didn't show any true remorse for the ugly actions of dog fighting. Is forgiveness not in the air for Mr. Vick? Or is it?

He is receiving criticism for his appearance on the show because members of the Humane Society do not believe him to be remorseful.  They have focused on his choice of words describing his time in jail and how that effected him emotionally.  He mentioned losing his friends, his career and being alone, but not that he had time to think about how horrible fighting dogs against each other really is.  He mentioned that he was disgusted with his involvement.  That he understands now how wrong it is to do such a thing.  But the critics are not so convinced

With a new contract to play on the Philadelphia Eagles this year and a only a few months in jail, the Human Society is furious that life continues to go on for Mr. Vick after taking so many dog's lives.  The ongoing debate is that some spectators are upset, but for opposite reasons.  The feeling that animal rights seem to be more important to the Humane Society than women rights or children rights.  There are complaints that the Humane Society should forgive him and stop making this bigger than the issues of rape, molestation and/or child abuse.  The men or women who commit those acts are freed from jail so why should this man be in prison for the long haul? 

Y.E.S On Demand is asking you, what do you think?  Do you think the time Michael Vick spent in jail is enough to bring about remorse for his actions?  Do you think his remorse is because of the idea of losing his career?

And finally, Y.E.S. On Demand is AGAINST animal cruelty and human cruelty, but what we want to know is if you think it is time for forgiveness from the Humane Society? 

Are any acts of cruelty able to be forgiven for?

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