Monday, August 10, 2009


Sara Stokes from Making The Band Season 2 
Arrested For Domestic Abuse! 

The above photo, provided by TMZ, is the official mug shot of Sara Stokes from Diddy's Making The Band Season 2.  She was arrested for domestic abuse and assault with a deadly weapon.  

The bruises on her face are reportedly from her falling down the stairs in front of their home after arguing with her husband.  Apparently the fall was not only embarrassing but enough for Stokes to go back into the home, obtain a knife & stab her husband in the arm in front of her three children!  Stokes may be facing a long sentence! No walking for cheesecake for her for a pretty long time.  Wow!  Y.E.S On Demand is in shock!

Her husband, according to police, did not put his hands on her at any time.  Stokes on the other hand claims that her husband did attack her and she was defending herself.

Yes! Yes! Yes!  The good ol' "he say, she say". What are your thoughts?  Should she be given the same sentence as Chris Brown with community service?  Or does her "assault with a deadly weapon" up the ante? 


PL said...

Now this here is wild.

With that said, it's a whole lot of information missing. Like u said a luvly story of "he say, she say." She's not getting any time off of this tho I don't think. Unless she is already in the system for prior issues. Her bruises do look the part of those of a person who fell down the steps. But the question is, was she pushed? Now self-defense is one thing, but picking up a knife after falling / being pushed down the steps, is not self-defense. That's retaliation. And ultimately that could be where she might end up in trouble.

Call it a hunch, but I don't see her husband pressing charges. Just like, if she was pushed by him or beat on by him, I don't see her leaving.

CandyAcidReign said...

I don't know what kind of punishment by law she should or will get. I think her husband may have shoved her a little down the steps... all it takes is a tiny shove if you're near the edge... who knows though. Seems like a disfunctional relationship, but you can't just up and stab somebody... that's like, not even a fight anymore. Once you stab someone that's far beyond hitting. She has that little crazy look in her eye in this photo... which shows she was still in that crazy mad zone. I need all the info... he may have been nicking at her till she snapped... but damn... stab? That means you have to first go get the knife, then you have to actually execute those thoughts! Short of him threatening to kill her, and beating her near the knife's location, she's in deep isht!