Monday, August 24, 2009

Breaking News: Michael Jackson's Death A Homicide

YES! YES! YES! Joe Jackson isn't as "crazy" as the media makes him out to be. Y.E.S. On Demand would just like to point out how On Larry King Live a few weeks ago, Joe Jackson made a statement that would send CNN into a frenzy for days! He simply stated that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide. Don't get your underwear in a bunch Larry!

But it looks like Joe Jackson and the LA County Coroner's are in agreement!

According to reports by the LA Coroner's office Michael Jackson's death has been ruled as a homicide due to lethal levels of the anaesthetic Propofol found in his body. Reports show that Michael was given a combination of fatal drugs just hours before he died on June 25th of 2009.

The LA Times Reports that Dr. Conrad Murray, according to the search warrent, said that he had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of Propofol every night using a intravenous line.

Murray says he feared that Michael was forming an addiction to the drug, so he tried to wean him off by lowering the dosage and mixing it with two other sedatives.

On June 25th, Murray tried to help Michael sleep without using Propofol. Dr. Murray says he gave Michael Jackson the following drugs over a period of nearly 12 hours:

:: 1.30am - He gave Jackson valium.
:: 2.00am - When the valium failed to work, he injected lorazepam intravenously.
:: 3.00am, When Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.
:: 3.00am until 10.40am - Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs.
:: 10.40am - Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug.


(more information on this story as it unfolds)

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