Wednesday, August 19, 2009



VH1's new reality dating show "Megan Wants a Millionaire" will NOT be airing any new episodes!  The show has been postponed due to a criminal investigation involving one of the cast members.  Ryan Jenkins is a person of interest in the murder of model Jasmine Fiore.  (Both featured below)

Jasmine , 28, was last seen with Ryan, 32,  at a poker game in San Diego.  On Saturday, Ryan reported Jasmine missing to the Los Angeles Police Department.  Her naked body was found wednesday in Buena Park stuffed in suitcase which was placed in a trash bin.

Jasmine and Ryan were married in March this year and their marriage was annulled in May.  Ryan and Jasmine reconciled shortly after that.

Ryan, as on the show, is a real estate developer and architect, who is said to have a few millions in the bank.  He may have recently fled to his native Canada.  With the high profile of the case, the Los Angeles Police Department is suspicious of his involvement in Jasmine's murder because Ryan is no where to be found.

A little more than Megan might have bargained for?  YES!


CandyAcidReign said...

I saw this on the news! They say he was the last person seen/ or with her right? They call him a "person of interest" but haven't said if they think he did it. Wow, wouldn't it be crazy if he was using the show as a hideout or cover! lol. How dumb! Your friend/ex girl or somebody of the sort goes missing then you decide "hey, I think I'll be on a reality show"! WTF! I hate to say this but money & or power can make some men feel invincible... not to mention studies have shown that many successful men have sociopathic tendencies that make them great at business, and don't always mean they are killers, but they are sociopaths none the less. makes ya think?!

Say YES On Demand said...

I just find this entire story mind baffeling! I mean you just never know who you could be dating!