Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"GOOD HAIR" In Theatres Oct. 2009

Chris Rock Presents "Good Hair" Coming to Theaters Oct. 2009!!!!

Y.E.S On Demand is excited to announce that Chris Rock will be releasing his movie "Good Hair" to theaters in Oct. of 2009!  "Good Hair" has already won an award at the Sundance Film Festival of 2009 and judging by the response of critics thus far, it should be a smash hit at the box office. 

Chris Rock was inspired to do this documentary after coming home one day and his daughter, Lola asked him "Daddy, why don't I have good hair?"  Chris Rock realized that this idea of good hair vs bad hair was a big topic amongst the black community and other minority groups as well.  The movie will be a documentary of Chris Rock traveling and gathering information about this obsession with "good hair".  It features celebrities Raven Simone, Megan Good, Nia Long, Salt & Pepper, Paul Mooney, Lauren London, Al Sharpton and more!

To watch the official HD Trailer for "Good Hair" click on the photo below!


Want to learn more about the movie? Visit:


Aron Ranen said...

Please take a moment to check out my documentary film BLACK HAIR

It is free at youtube. 6 parts including an update from London, England.

It explores the Korean Take-over of the Black Beauty Supply and Hair biz..

Kinda like Madame C.J. Walker in Reverse....a tragic comedy.

I am not a hater, I am a motivator.

Plus I am a White guy who stumbled upon this, and felt it was so wrong I had to make a film about it.

Can it be taken back?


Say YES On Demand said...

Thank for sharing Realitysurfer! I will definitely check out your documentary! If you ever want to do a post on here about your documentary just let me know via email! Thank you again for sharing!