Friday, August 14, 2009

C Murder Sentenced To Life


C-Murder was sentenced to LIFE in prison today for the beating and killing of a 16yr old fan named Steve Thomas in Louisiana back in 2002. I, personally, am not surprised! He will probably be praised by the Rap scene for living up to his name, but not by Y.E.S. On Demand. There are NO excuses for his actions and we would like to send out our condolences and prayers to the family of the victim. 

 Oh, and C-Murder, in case you didn't know, is the brother of Master P....  Exactly! That was the only reason we knew who he was too!

He was first convicted in 2001 for a shooting at a night club which was caught on tape and viewable by the jury and you (below) which helped in the decision to sentence him to 10 years in prison for that incident. Now don't be confused, the video below is a separate issue all together.  This is not footage of the murder which took place in 2002, when C-Murder then took the life of Steve Thomas at a club on January 12th.

According to sources and witnesses, in the 2002 incident,  Steve Thomas gained a fake I.D. to be near his Idol, C-Murder, now known as C-Miller since the trial.   Steve had posters of C-Murder up on his wall at home and just wanted to meet the star.  Sometime near the end of the night, a scuffle broke out and the boy was seen kicked and beat laying on the ground.  One witness said that C-Murder yelled "You know who the F**** I am!" and a bright light went off.  The boy suffered from one gun shot wound and died at arrival of a local hospital. 

Steve Thomas' parents testified against the rapper today in court and C-Murder went from smiling at his family to staring blankly as the Thomas' talked about how they will no longer see their son anymore.  Their inability to see him graduate or go to prom or have children and get married.  It was an emotional day in court for both the families. 

Finally the sentence was handed out and C-Murder has been sentenced to life for second degree murder of the young fan.

After viewing the video below, it is apparent that C-Murder needed a time out of life. Unfortunately for him and his temper...his time out will be FOR life.

Do you agree with the judges decision or do you think the sentence was too harsh?  What are your thoughts?

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